After three months in Bangladesh it's time to present a random list of things I have learnt so far.
Breathing through mouth
Dhaka smells. The local odor cocktail of urine and garbage garnished with sewage is a killer. Close your nose, open your mouth.
Not getting lost all the time. Walking (and not obeying the security instructions) is the most effective way of exploring the city.
Using mosquito repellent
The blood sucker season is about to start. The local mosquitoes seem to be invisible and inaudible. But, oh boy, they can stick. The other night I stood outdoors in my zumba outfit less than ten minutes. I didn't see nor hear a single insect but they had very systematically and meticulously worked through my butt.
Appreciating the cooler weather
Not sweating all the time is a very welcome break. It's still warm but not so humid, starting to remind of Nordic summer.
Admiring the hard working people
But it's also very sad to see how dangerous and awful jobs the most industrious people have. And how little they earn.
Not giving money to (most of) the beggars
I'm not proud of this point but it's just not possible to help all the needy here. Just when you thought that the legless man in the street was the most wretched human being there is, the next man is both leggless and armless, the third both limbless and blind.
Enjoying Bangla food
One of Dhaka's best restaurants is in our apartment. Our housekeeper S. spoils us with wonderful dinners. With a surprise bonus: my husband has lost at least five kilos by enjoying S's cooking and avoiding snacks.
And a list of the things I'm struggling with:
Fascinatingly crazy but tragically undemocratic. The system is based on threats, fear, corruption and untruths. The media suffers from severe self censorship, the justice system is dysfunctional.
Domestic - and other - violence
People are killed and tortured in most horrendous methods. Most of the victims are women and children.
Honestly, I haven't even made an effort. Will do.
The local female uniform of a pajamas and a scarf is just not for me. I'm working on a compromise between a Western and Bangla outfit.
Unfortunately, I haven't got a job and need to fill my days with other activities.
Tennis looked like an easy and elegant alternative. I have taken six lessons and managed to hit the ball almost four times.